Diamond Sweetness Catering & Passiflora Spa

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Corona Virus (COVID-19) Protection

Living Truth Inquirer


  1. Stay home if you or your family are ill.

  2. Wash your hands frequently (and we will do the same).

Flu & Corona Virus (COVID-19) Protection at Passiflora Spa

Each customer's safety and health are very important to us. We know that massage and other wellness services are crucial for stress reduction and maintaining a strong immune system, and as we work together to bring you wellness at home, we ask that you pay attention to your own health. In light of this current pandemic, we have added additional cleaning procedures and disinfectants as a precaution. It has been our practice for decades that all therapists wash their hands and disinfect all materials used during a service before assessing clients. We are adding additional disinfecting of all surfaces that a client could come in contact with and appreciate your patience while we perform such cleaning.

What do we expect from our customers?

We ask that every client cooperate with health directives. Please follow all WHO and CDC recommendations, including washing your hands with soap frequently (and for 20 seconds or longer each time), using hand sanitizer, and avoiding contact with others—including wellness providers—if you feel ill or are displaying fever or respiratory symptoms. It is our custom to follow personal hygiene habits suggested by the CDC and state and local public health departments.If you have even mild cold or flu-like symptoms (including a cough, fever, sneezing, or achiness), please follow the advice of health officials and stay home while sick to help protect others. If members of your household are exhibiting any of these symptoms, we ask that you cancel your appointment with us even if you do not have symptoms. We are happy to waive our 24 hour cancellation policy so that the entire community can be protected.

Also, if you have traveled outside of the United States in the last two weeks, we ask that you contact us to give us further details. Our therapists may feel more comfortable if you allow a longer time before we visit your home.

Is the use of face masks encouraged?

The CDC has not recommended that people who are well wear a face mask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. If a client would like to wear a mask we are happy to respect that choice. However, if you are wearing a face mask because you have symptoms, once again we ask that you cancel your appointment!

May a therapist decide not to work with a client?

Health officials encourage anyone who has even mild symptoms of cold or flu to stay home and avoid close contact with others. For the good of all, our licensed massage therapists may decide to decline service to any customer exhibiting any contagious symptoms. Our staff has always been instructed to stay home if they have any illness. If our staff becomes sick, we may need to cancel or reschedule your appointment if there is not a well therapist to take their place. As mentioned earlier, we are happy to waive our 24 hour cancellation policy if you have any symptoms or illness.

At Passiflora Spa we appreciate your patience as we try to keep everyone safe during this pandemic. Thank you!